Welcome and Course Overview

This course on de-escalation and tactical communication is designed to equip you with the necessary skills to effectively navigate high-pressure situations and diffuse conflict. Throughout the course, we will explore the principles of crisis intervention, verbal judo techniques, active listening strategies, and conflict resolution tactics.

By the end of this course, you will have a solid understanding of how to recognize escalating behavior, how to effectively communicate with individuals under stress, and how to safely resolve conflicts using de-escalation tactics. Whether you work in law enforcement, healthcare, customer service, or any other field that requires interpersonal communication skills, this course will provide you with invaluable tools to handle difficult situations with confidence and professionalism.

Key Lesson Concepts:

  • Principles of crisis intervention
  • Verbal judo techniques
  • Active listening strategies
  • Conflict resolution tactics
  • Recognition of escalating behavior
  • Effective communication with individuals under stress
  • De-escalation tactics for resolving conflicts

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